LSOA (2011) to Upper Tier Local Authorities (December 2017) Best Fit Lookup i...
This file is a best fit lookup between 2011 lower layer super output areas and upper tier local authorities in England and Wales as at 31 December 2017. (File size - 6MB)Field... -
LSOA (2011) to Upper Tier Local Authorities (December 2018) Best Fit Lookup i...
This file is a best fit lookup between 2011 lower layer super output areas and upper tier local authorities in England and Wales as at 31 December 2018. (File size - 4MB)Field... -
Output Area (2011) to County and Unitary Authority (December 2018) Best Fit L...
This is a best fit lookup between 2011 Output Areas (OA) and counties/unitary authorities as at 31 December 2018 in England. (File Size - 18 MB)Field Names - OA11CD, CTYUA18CD,...