Potential Gains From Reforming Price Caps in China’s Power Sector
About the Project The KAPSARC Energy Model of China (KEM China) project began in 2014 to study energy and environmental issues in China. KEM China has been developed to... -
Welfare Implications of the Rebound Effect From More Energy-Efficient Passeng...
About the Project KAPSARC’s work on energy demand and efficiency looks at how economic growth, population, energy prices and energy efficiency influence energy demand in... -
Quantifying Worldwide Demand Elasticities as a Policy Tool
About the Project KAPSARC is analyzing the shifting dynamics of the global gas markets. Global gas markets have turned upside down during the past five years: North America has... -
Tight Oil Development Economics: Benchmarks, Breakeven Points, and Inelastici...
About the Project When comparing oil and gas projects - their relative attractiveness, robustness, and contribution to markets - various dollar per barrel benchmarks are quoted... -
Impact of Domestic Fuel Price Reforms on the Use of Public Transport in Saudi...
About the Project We developed the KAPSARC Energy Model for Saudi Arabia (KEM-SA) to understand the dynamics of the country’s energy system. It is a partial equilibrium model... -
A Case Study of BEV Adoption in the US
About the Project Promoting adoption of energy-efficient vehicles has become a key policy imperative in both developed and developing countries. Understanding the impact of... -
An Evaluation of High Energy Performance Residential Buildings in Bahrain
About the Project Increasing energy productivity holds some of the greatest possibilities for enhancing the welfare countries get out of their energy systems. It also recasts... -
Sub-Saharan Africa’s Demographic Dividend: Is There a Role for Natural Resour...
About the project Natural Resource-led Development in New Producing Countries Our project seeks to understand how natural resource extraction can drive inclusive economic... -
A Calibrated Macroeconomic Model for Uganda
About the Project KAPSARC is engaged in a long-term research project examining the dynamics of natural resource-driven growth in Eastern Africa. The principle research question... -
Energy for Water in Agriculture
About the Project The project’s objective is to understand how and why the energy required to meet water demand differs between countries. To explore this question, energy used... -
Energy productivity as a New Growth Model for GCC Countries
About the Project Increasing energy productivity holds some of the greatest possibilities for enhancing the welfare countries get out of their energy systems. It also recasts... -
Will There Be a Price War Between Russian Pipeline Gas & US LNG in Europe?
About the Project KAPSARC is analyzing the shifting dynamics of the global gas markets, which have turned upside down during the past five years. North America has emerged as a...