Swiss Canopy Crane II research site
This research site is located near Hölstein in Canton Basel-Landschaft in a mature temperate forest that harbours more than 400 trees from 14 different species. The 1.6 ha site... -
LWF Isone long-term research site
LWF Plot Isone Community: Isone / canton TI Date of installation: 5 September 1995 Size of the plot: 2 ha Altitude (m): 1181-1259 Mean slope: 58% Geology (in German):... -
LWF Othmarsingen long-term research site
LWF Plot Othmarsingen Community: Othmarsingen / canton AG Date of installation: 9 September 1994 Size of the plot: 1 ha Altitude (m): 467-500 Mean slope: 27% Soil types (WSL):... -
Tree-ring data of European beech with premature leaf discoloration in 2018 an...
Tree-ring data and tree location from 470 European beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) located in the northern part of Switzerland. 278 trees showed drought-induced premature leaf... -
LWF Novaggio long-term research site
LWF Plot Novaggio Community: Novaggio / canton TI Date of installation: 8.3.95 Size of the plot: 1.5 ha Altitude (m): 902-997 Mean slope: 68% Geology (in German): Untergrund:... -
Sample Geodata and Software for Demonstrating Geospatial Preprocessing for Fo...
This dataset contains open vector data for railways, forests and power lines, as well an open digital elevation model (DEM) for a small area around a sample forest range in... -
Vegetation Height Model NFI
A national vegetation height model was calculated for Switzerland using digital aerial images. We used the stereo aerial images acquired by the Federal Office of Topography... -
Shape still matters - experimental quantification of deadwood effects on rock...
We conducted an experimental rockfall campaign on a forested slope with deadwood and on with the windthrown area cleared in Schiers (CH). Two different rock categories were... -
Forest area by forest function
The forest area refers to all areas classified as forest according to NFI’s forest definition. The forest definition includes shrub forest. For each forest function (including... -
Drought alters C footprint of trees in soil: tracking the spatio-temporal fat...
Data from pulse-labelling experiment with 100-year old trees of a naturally dry pine forest exposed to a 15-year-long irrigation experiment. Canopies of 10 trees were labelled... -
Net primary productivity (NPP) anomalies simulated by 3-PG model for Switzerland
Simulated net primary productivity (NPP) anomalies (percent deviation) in 1961-2018 years relative to the 1961–1990 reference period for Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica. NPP was... -
LWF Vordemwald long-term research site
LWF Plot Vordemwald Community: Vordemwald / canton AG Date of installation: 18 August 1995 Size of the plot: 2 ha Altitude: 473-487 m Mean slope: 14% Geology (in German):... -
LWF Lägeren long-term research site
This research site is located on the southern slope of the Lägern, which forms the eastern most part of the Jura mountains, within a managed mixed deciduous forest. The forest... -
LWF Schänis long-term research site
LWF Plot Schänis Community: Schänis / canton SG Date of installation: 17 September 1997 Size of the plot: 2 ha Altitude: 693-773 m Mean slope: 60% Geology (in German):... -
Monthly topsoil and near surface microclimate temperature data for Switzerland
Climate data matching the scales at which organisms experience climatic conditions are often missing. Yet, such data on microclimatic conditions are required to better... -
LWF Lausanne long-term research site
LWF Plot Lausanne Community: Lausanne / canton VD Date of installation: 5 September 1994 Size of the plot: 2 ha Altitude: 800-814 m Mean slope: 7% Geology (in German):... -
Carabid beetles in forests
Carabidae data from all historic up to the recent projects (21.10.2019) of WSL, collected with various methods in forests of different types. Version 2 ('FIDO_global_extract... -
LWF Lantsch long-term research site
LWF Plot Lantsch Community: Lantsch / canton GR Date of installation: 15 September 1997 Size of the plot: n.d. Altitude: 1458-1490 m Mean slope: 16% Geology (in German):... -
Data Broedlin CNP
Mircocosm experiment to identify the individual patterns and controls of C, N, and P mobilization in soils under beech forests. Organic and mineral horizons sampled along a... -
Scolytidae data from all historic up to the recent projects (29.10.2019) of WSL, collected with various methods in forests of different types. Data are provided on request to...