SEPD Long Term Development Statement
The Long Term Development statements provide information for anyone connecting to our distribution system at extra high voltage (EHV) level (including HV busbar of primary... -
SHEPD Long Term Development Statement
The Long Term Development statements provide information for anyone connecting to our distribution system at extra high voltage (EHV) level (including HV busbar of primary... -
International Macroeconomic Dataset
TThe ERS International Macroeconomic Data Set provides historical and projected data for 181 countries that account for more than 99 percent of the world economy. These data and... -
Economic Outlook No 95 - Long-term Baseline Projections
Explore the Economic Outlook No. 95 Long-Term Baseline Projections dataset for key indicators such as current account balance, GDP, national currency exchange rates, and more.... -
Forecast ILR TRA
This dataset provides a forecast out of 6 months. https://www.lowcarboncontracts.uk/resources/scheme-dashboards/interim-levy-rate-and-total-reserve-amount/. This dataset... -
In-period Tracking
This dataset contains the daily forecast CfD payments expected to be paid to generators compared with the actual CfD payments to generators is included in the dataset. This... -
Advanced Forecast CfD Generation
This dataset provides a forecast out to 24 months. This dataset contains CfD generation forecasts for six Quarterly Obligation Periods. Different levels of sensitivity have been... -
Settlement Costs Levy
This dataset includes the actual, forecast, and excess Settlement Costs Levy for the current and historic operational periods. The operational costs of Electricity Settlements... -
Forecast CfD Payments
This dataset includes the Daily forecast CfD payments to generators for the current and following operational quarters, by technology type. This dataset is updated following... -
Forecast Market Reference Prices
This dataset includes the daily forecasted weighted average Baseload Market Reference Prices and Intermittent Market Reference Prices for the current and following operational... -
Historic Advanced Forecasts
This dataset provides historic forecast data. Different levels of sensitivity have been applied on forecasting the figures and are termed as base case, low case, and high case... -
Advanced Forecast ILR TRA
This dataset provides a forecast out to 24 months. This dataset contains Interim Levy Rate , Total Reserve Amount, CfD Payment forecasts, CfD generation adjusted by TLM, RQM and... -
Forecast Supplier Payments
This dataset includes the Daily forecast supplier payments for the current and following operational quarters. This dataset is updated following the end of each Quarterly... -
Operational Costs Levy
This dataset includes the actual, forecast, and excess CfD Operational Costs and demand volumes for the current and historic operational periods. An electricity supplier must... -
Forecast CfD Generation
This dataset includes the hourly forecast CfD generation for the current and following operational quarters, by technology type. This generation is not adjusted by TLM... -
Forecast IMRP
This dataset includes forecast time weighted Intermittent Market Reference Prices (IMRP) and generation weighted IMRP. This dataset is updated following the end of each... -
CfD Forecast Generation and Avoided GHG
This dataset includes the future CfD generation eligible for CfD payments estimated by LCCC until the end of the CfD contract, by financial year (1 April to 31 March). Expected... -
Day Ahead Wind Forecast
The dataset contains national and BMU wind forecast over a day ahead timescale as well as all historic day ahead wind forecasts to assist the industry to make efficient... -
National Carbon Intensity Forecast
This dataset contains national carbon intensity forecast for the GB electricity system. The carbon intensity of electricity is a measure of how much CO2 emissions are produced... -
Long Term (2-52 weeks ahead) National Demand Forecast
This dataset contains incremental updates for 2-52 weeks ahead demand forecast. The forecast assist the industry to make efficient decisions in balancing their supply and demand...