Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) and All Service Receipts (ASR) (Feature Layer)
Note: This is a large dataset. To download, go to ArcGIS Open Data Set and click the download button, and under additional resources select the shapefile or geodatabase option.... -
PADUS FS Scenic and Conservation Easement Areas (Feature Layer)
An area depicting a type of special use authorization (usually granted for linear rights-of-way) that is utilized in those situations where a conveyance of a limited and... -
PADUS FS National Designated Areas (Feature Layer)
An area depicting designated land boundaries, excluding boundaries designated by proclamation. This data is intended for read-only use. The PAD-US feature classes were developed... -
National Wild and Scenic Rivers: Legal Status (Feature Layer)
The Land Status view of a Wild and Scenic River. Areas designated by Congress as part of the National Wild and Scenic River System, with related details including the date of... -
National Forest Lands with Nationally Designated Management or Use Limitation...
An area depicting National Forest System land parcels that have management or use limits placed on them by legal authority. Examples are: National Recreation Area, National... -
Timber Appraisal Zones - Ranger Districts (Feature Layer)
Features in the TAZ ranger districts dataset represent individual USFS Ranger Districts or USFS Administrative Forests Boundaries which compose a stumpage market. The schema of... -
Surface Ownership Parcels, detailed (Feature Layer)
An area depicting ownership parcels of the surface estate. Each surface ownership parcel is tied to a particular legal transaction. The same individual or organization may... -
Right of Way (Feature Layer)
An area depicting a privilege to pass over the land of another in some particular path; usually an easement over the land of another; a strip of land used in this way for... -
Original Proclaimed National Forests and National Grasslands (Feature Layer)
This layer includes both Proclaimed Forest and National Grassland boundary areas. A Proclaimed Forest boundary is the boundary encompassing National Forest System land within a... -
National Grassland Units (Feature Layer)
A National Grassland unit designated by the Secretary of Agriculture and permanently held by the Department of Agriculture under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act.... -
National Forest System Land Units (Map Service)
Note: This map service contains generalized NFS Land Unit boundaries to help with map service performance. Data in this service is not as accurate as the Automated Lands Program... -
Mineral Rights (Feature Layer)
An area depicting ownership parcels of the subsurface estate representing mineral rights; it is collected only if the subsurface estate is different than the overlying surface... -
Survey parcels described by metes and bounds (Feature Layer)
A depiction of a survey parcel described by a metes and bounds description. Examples include: land lots, housing subdivision lots, mineral surveys, and homestead entry surveys.... -
Surface Ownership Parcels (Feature Layer)
An area depicted as surface ownership parcels dissolved on the same ownership classification. Metadata -
Ranger District Boundaries (Feature Layer)
A depiction of the boundary that encompasses a Ranger District. Metadata -
Purchase Units under the Weeks Law (Feature Layer)
A unit designated by the Secretary of Agriculture or previously approved by the National Forest Reservation Commission for purposes of Weeks Law acquisition. Metadata -
Public Land Survey Monument (Feature Layer)
A land survey point from a GCDB LX file, survey plat, or captured from a CFF land net coverage. Includes points generated by calculating an aliquot breakdown of a section. -
Public Land Survey System Townships (Feature Layer)
An area defined by the Public Lands Survey System grid that is referenced by its tier and range numbers, and is normally a rectangle approximately 6 miles on a side with... -
Public Land Survey System Quarter Sections (Feature Layer)
This Quarter Section feature class depicts PLSS Second Divisions . PLSS townships are subdivided in a spatial hierarchy of first, second, and third division. These divisions are... -
Public Land Survey Corner (Feature Layer)
Note: This is a large dataset. To download, go to ArcGIS Open Data Set and click the download button, and under additional resources select the shapefile or geodatabase option....