Local Administrative Units Level 2 (January 2015) Names and Codes in the UK
This file contains names and codes for local administrative units - level 2 in the United Kingdom as at 1st January 2015 Field Names - LAU215CD, LAU215NM Field Types - Text,... -
Local Administrative Units Level 2 (January 2018) Names and Codes in the UK
This file contains names and codes for local administrative units - level 2 in the United Kingdom as at 1st January 2018 Field Names - LAU218CD, LAU218NM Field Types - Text,... -
Local Administrative Units Level 2 (December 2016) Names and Codes in the Uni...
This file contains names and codes for local administrative units - level 2 in the United Kingdom as at 31 December 2016. (File Size - 247 KB)REST URL of Feature Access Service... -
Local Administrative Units Level 2 (December 2017) Names and Codes in the Uni...
This file contains names and codes for local administrative units - level 2 in the United Kingdom as at 31 December 2017. Field Names - LAU217CD, LAU217NMField Types - Text,... -
Local Administrative Units Level 2 (December 2018) Names and Codes in the Uni...
This file contains names and codes for local administrative units - level 2 in the United Kingdom as at 31st December 2018. (File size - 912KB)Field Names - LAU218CD,...