4 datasets found

Tags: National Risk Assessment Partnership

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  • NRAP Community Datasets CCS Site Catalog

    The NRAP Community Datasets CCS Site Catalog documents data and information that are relevant to the NRAP community. The data catalog represents the results of a query for...
  • NRAP

    The National Risk Assessment Partnership (NRAP)—an initiative within DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and led by the National Energy Technology Laboratory—applies DOE’s core...
  • US Oil and Gas Sustained Casing Pressure and Casing-Vent Flow Dataset for Col...

    This dataset contains sustained casing pressure and casing-vent flow measurements collected from oil and gas wells in Colorado, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania.
  • FutureGen 2.0 Technical Data

    This is a comprehensive collection of all original surface and subsurface technical data, as well as various derivative subsurface models, collected from the FutureGen 2.0...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).