Plant-mediated effects of heavy metals and acid rain on feeding aphids and ca...
In controlled model forest ecosystems young trees were exposed to heavy metals in the soil and to acid precipitation. On spruce trees Lymantria monacha caterpillars and Cinara... -
Dynamics of insect natural enemies of bark beetles
In 1994 a large area of mountain spruce forest was infested by the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) in the Gandberg forest near Schwanden, canton Glarus,... -
Emergence dynamics of natural enemies of spruce bark beetles
In an expanding bark beetle (Ips typographus) infestation spot emergence traps were installed on the stems of newly infested spruce trees capturing all emerging insects during... -
Survey of spruce seed and cone insects in Switzerland
In 1989 a nation-wide survey on spruce seed and cone insects was carried out at 29 locations distributed across the 5 main geographic regions of Switzerland. The cones were...