17 datasets found

Tags: Sydney

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  • Sydney Light Rail Stop Guides

    The Sydney light rail network is a light rail system serving the Australian city of Sydney. The network currently consists of three passenger routes, the L1 Dulwich Hill, L2...
  • Key Roads Performance Report

    The Key Roads Performance report outlines the time it takes to travel along major road routes in NSW during peak periods. The trips described in this report cover many major...
  • NorthConnex

    NorthConnex is a nine kilometre twin tunnel linking the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills in Sydney’s north. It will deliver...
  • Toll Calculator

    This is a dataset that contains the Toll Information. Please refer to https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/sydney-motorways/toll-charges/index.html for the updated toll charges.
  • Sydney Region Carriageway

    A carriageway is width of roadway for the movement of vehicles. There are single carriageways and dual carriageways represented as single or dual lines in the spatial...
  • Sydney Region Pop-up Cycleway

    This dataset includes pop-up cycleways in key commuter areas across the city to promote walking and bike riding. The pop-up cycleways is part of a set of initiatives developed...
  • Active Transport: Walking

    This data explores the nature of walk trips in Sydney. The walking data featured here are from the Household Travel Survey (HTS), which is the largest and most comprehensive...
  • Street Light Location

    Street lighting is a vital community asset that helps our community feel safer and more secure. Ausgrid maintains streetlights within our network area on behalf of local...
  • Parking Permits, Meters and Rates

    This dataset contains City of Sydney interactive maps that show Parking Permit Areas, Parking Meter Status, and Ticket Parking Rates. For more information visit...
  • Walking Count Sites

    Twice a year City of Sydney carry out walking count surveys to give us a picture of walking trends across the City of Sydney area. The counts take place at around 100 locations...
  • Cycling Propensity

    This dataset contains the propensity index for cycling across different areas. It also contains the report that examines spatial relationship between areas with high propensity...
  • NSW Toll Road Data

    This is a link to the NSW Toll Road Data website. The datasets on this website contain traffic data for the following toll roads in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia that are...
  • Collective Cycling Datasets

    This dataset includes the open data sets we have about cycling and bicycle counts and includes the following data: Popup Cycleway The Popup Cycleway data includes six popup...
  • Air Quality Data

    Air pollution has a significant impact on human health and the economy. Air quality in Sydney is usually very good by international standards. For more information about air...
  • Taxi Rank Locations

    The NSW Taxi Council is the peak body for the NSW Taxi Industry. It represents taxi networks, owners and operators. This dataset includes location points of the Taxi Ranks in...
  • City of Sydney Cycle Network

    Existing, rideable bicycle routes through the City of Sydney local government area for bicycle commuters. For more information visit Cycling - City of Sydney.
  • Sydney Spring Cycle 2017 - Road Closures

    This dataset details the road closures for the Sydney Spring Cycle 2017 on the 15th October 2017
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).