Urban Audit Core Cities (December 2016) Full Extent Boundaries in the United ...
This file contains the digital vector boundaries Urban Audit Core Cities, in the United Kingdom, as at December 2016. The boundaries are full resolution - extent of the realm... -
LAD (2016) to UACC, UAGC and UAFUA (December 2016) Lookup in the UK
This is a lookup file between local authority districts to Urban Audit Core Cities, Greater Cities and Functional Urban Areas in the UK as at 31 December 2016. (File size - 72... -
Urban Audit CC (Dec 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in the UK
This file contains the digital vector boundaries Urban Audit Core Cities, in the United Kingdom, as at December 2016. The boundaries are full resolution - clipped to the... -
Urban Audit CC (Dec 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in the UK
This file contains the digital vector boundaries Urban Audit Core Cities, in the United Kingdom, as at December 2016. The boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the... -
Urban Audit CC (Dec 2016) Super Generalised Clipped Boundaries UK
This file contains the digital vector boundaries Urban Audit Core Cities, in the United Kingdom, as at December 2016. The boundaries are super generalised (200m) - clipped to... -
Urban Audit CC (Dec 2016) Ultra Generalised Clipped Boundaries UK
This file contains the digital vector boundaries Urban Audit Core Cities, in the United Kingdom, as at December 2016. The boundaries are ultra generalised (500m) - clipped to... -
Urban Audit Core Cities (Dec 2016) Names and Codes in the UK
This file contains names and codes for the Urban Audit Core Cities in the United Kingdom as at 31 December 2016. (File Size - 32 KB)Column Descriptions:UACC16CD | Text |...