Macro-Statistics / Macro Indicators
Explore macroeconomic statistics and indicators, including GDP, Gross Fixed Capital Formation, National Income, and more. This dataset covers a wide range of countries such as... -
Foreign Trade
Explore the Saudi Arabia Foreign Trade dataset to analyze imports, exports, % change in exports, % change in imports, trade value, trade direction, and SAMA annual data.... -
Merchandise Export
Explore the Saudi Arabia Merchandise Export dataset for insights into non-oil exports, agricultural products, construction materials, petrochemicals, and more . Non-oil... -
Composition of Imports
Explore the Saudi Arabia Composition of Imports dataset , including valuable insights on various categories such as Precious Metals, Textiles, Machinery, and more. Discover the... -
Value of Exported Petroleum and Imported Crude Oil
This open data contains information about Bahrain crude oil imports and petroleum exports for local and Saudi oils. Note: Figures may not add to total due to rounding. Energy... -
Merchandise Exports
Explore the merchandise exports dataset for Saudi Arabia, including information on national exports, oil exports, value, non-oil exports, share in total exports (%), re-exports,... -
Overseas imports by industry (4-digit ANZSIC 2006 edition) and country of ori...
Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise imports of goods destined for Queensland and other states/territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity,... -
International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia
Statistics about international trade in goods and services, on a balance of payments and international trade basis. -
Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme: A 'Landbridge' Approach to the Estimat...
In order to provide information to assist with the continuing administration of the Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme TFES, the Minister for Transport directed the BTE to... -
Horticulture Sector Report
This publication contains analyses of data related to performance of domestic and international horticultural product (i.e., fruits and vegetables) supply chains. This study is... -
The Freightline series is intended to provide information on interregional freight movements across Australia, filling a major gap in Australian transport-related data and... -
Vehicle (new) Commodity Report
This report publication covers the movement of new finished passenger vehicles (cars, SUVs and light commercial vehicles) from point of importation to delivery to customer or... -
Household Waste Deep Dive Report
This publication contains analyses of data related to performance of domestic and international household waste and wine supply chains. This study is focussed primarily on... -
Waste Sector Report
This publication contains analyses of data related to performance of domestic and international waste supply chains (includes waste that is generate by household municipal solid... -
Overseas exports and imports of goods, value, Queensland and Australia, 1988–...
Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise exports and imports of goods originating from and destined for Queensland and other States and Territories. -
Wine Commodity Report
This publication contains analyses of data related to performance of domestic and international wine and waste supply chains. This study is focussed primarily on understanding... -
ABS data for International Merchandise Trade
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) International Merchandise Trade data is valuable for understanding import and export commodities passing through Australia’s ports and... -
Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme: Recommended Rates of Assistance for So...
This Report sets out recommended new rates of assistance to be paid under the Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme TFES on eligible southbound cargoes and on northbound... -
Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme - Monitoring Report 2020
This report presents results of the first four-yearly review of all components of the Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme TFES as directed under Clause 10.5.2 of the TFES... -
Tasmanian freight schemes parameter review
In March 2006 the Productivity Commission was asked to 'report on the merits and weaknesses of the current arrangements for subsidising containerised and bulk shipping between...