Fuel Economy Label and CAFE Data
The Engine and Vehicle Compliance Certification and Fuel Economy Inventory contains measured emissions and fuel economy compliance information for light duty vehicles. Data is... -
Mobile Source Emissions Regulatory Compliance Data Inventory
The Mobile Source Emissions Regulatory Compliance Data Inventory data asset contains measured summary compliance information on light-duty, heavy-duty, and non-road engine... -
Title V Permitting Statistics Inventory
The Title V Permitting Statistics Inventory contains measured and estimated nationwide statistical data, consisting of counts of permitted sources, types of permits issued, and... -
Fuels Reporting System Data
This asset includes compliance data (registrations and reports), including reports related to reformulated gasoline and conventional gasoline (anti-dumping), gasoline sulfur,... -
Mobile Source Emissions Regulatory Compliance Data
The Engine and Vehicle Compliance Certification and Fuel Economy Inventory contains measured emissions and fuel economy compliance information for all types of vehicles (mobile... -
Consent Decrees
EPAs Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) cases and settlements webpage contains links to selected settlements resolving civil enforcement cases and, in some... -
Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model Outputs
The CMAQ Model Outputs data asset includes current and projected future levels of ambient concentrations and deposition to support regulatory impact analyses. -
NOx RACT and power plant employment
Data on NOx RACT, ozone nonattainment, and power plant employment, and program files used in: Glenn Sheriff, Ann E. Ferris, and Ronald J. Shadbegian, "How Did Air Quality... -
Control Strategy Tool (CoST)
The EPA Control Strategy Tool (CoST) is a software tool for projecting potential future control scenarios, their effects on emissions and estimated costs. This tool uses the NEI... -
OAR Tribal System
OTS is an internal EPA national tribal database to assist the Regions and HQs in tracking tribal performance information. -
Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Sources: ...
On June 25, 2013, President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum directing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to work expeditiously to complete greenhouse gas (GHG)...