NYC CV Pilot IE Processed Data
This is the EVENT data captured from the New York City CV Pilot project that was processed by the independent evaluators at Volpe. Additional data collected and data dictionary... -
New York City CV Pilot EVENT Data One Month Sample
This dataset contains a one-month sample of flattened EVENT data records from the New York City (NYC) Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot that have undergone obfuscation of precise... -
Wyoming CV Pilot Traveler Information Message Sample (Schema Version 5)
This dataset contains a sample of the broadcast Traveler Information Messages (TIM) being generated by the Wyoming Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot. The full set of TIMs can be... -
Tampa CV Pilot Traveler Information Message (TIM) Sample
The Tampa CV Pilot generates data from the interaction between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. This dataset consists of Traveler Information Messages (TIMs)... -
Tampa CV Pilot Signal Phasing and Timing (SPaT) Sample
The Tampa CV Pilot generates data from the interaction between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. This dataset consists of Signal Phasing and Timing Message... -
Wyoming CV Pilot Traveler Information Message Sample (Schema Version 6)
This dataset contains a sample of the broadcast Traveler Information Messages (TIM) being generated by the Wyoming Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot. This dataset only contains... -
Tampa CV Pilot Basic Safety Message (BSM) Sample
The Tampa CV Pilot generates data from the interaction between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. This dataset consists of Basic Safety Messages (BSMs) generated... -
NYC CV Pilot IE Processed Data
This is the EVENT data captured from the New York City CV Pilot project that was processed by the independent evaluators at Volpe. Additional data collected and data dictionary... -
New York City CV Pilot EVENT Data One Month Sample
This dataset contains a one-month sample of flattened EVENT data records from the New York City (NYC) Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot that have undergone obfuscation of precise... -
Wyoming CV Pilot Traveler Information Message Sample (Schema Version 5)
This dataset contains a sample of the broadcast Traveler Information Messages (TIM) being generated by the Wyoming Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot. The full set of TIMs can be... -
Tampa CV Pilot Traveler Information Message (TIM) Sample
The Tampa CV Pilot generates data from the interaction between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. This dataset consists of Traveler Information Messages (TIMs)... -
Tampa CV Pilot Signal Phasing and Timing (SPaT) Sample
The Tampa CV Pilot generates data from the interaction between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. This dataset consists of Signal Phasing and Timing Message... -
Wyoming CV Pilot Traveler Information Message Sample (Schema Version 6)
This dataset contains a sample of the broadcast Traveler Information Messages (TIM) being generated by the Wyoming Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot. This dataset only contains... -
Tampa CV Pilot Basic Safety Message (BSM) Sample
The Tampa CV Pilot generates data from the interaction between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. This dataset consists of Basic Safety Messages (BSMs) generated... -
Wyoming CV Pilot Traveler Information Message Sample (Schema Version 5)
This dataset contains a sample of the broadcast Traveler Information Messages (TIM) being generated by the Wyoming Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot. The full set of TIMs can be... -
Tampa CV Pilot Traveler Information Message (TIM) Sample
The Tampa CV Pilot generates data from the interaction between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. This dataset consists of Traveler Information Messages (TIMs)... -
Tampa CV Pilot Signal Phasing and Timing (SPaT) Sample
The Tampa CV Pilot generates data from the interaction between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. This dataset consists of Signal Phasing and Timing Message... -
Wyoming CV Pilot Traveler Information Message Sample (Schema Version 6)
This dataset contains a sample of the broadcast Traveler Information Messages (TIM) being generated by the Wyoming Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot. This dataset only contains... -
Tampa CV Pilot Basic Safety Message (BSM) Sample
The Tampa CV Pilot generates data from the interaction between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. This dataset consists of Basic Safety Messages (BSMs) generated... -
NYC CV Pilot IE Processed Data
This is the EVENT data captured from the New York City CV Pilot project that was processed by the independent evaluators at Volpe. Additional data collected and data dictionary...