Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: FSL output, 60 km resolution
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AERI: LBLRTM spectral residuals
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Profiles of temperature and water vapor physically retrieved from the AERI sp...
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SIRS: derived, correction of downwelling shortwave diffuse hemispheric measur...
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Cloud Fraction from Surface Cloud Station
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ECMWF: upper air measurement, entire coverage
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AERI: Line-by-Line comparison model, clouds
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NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard heights, at Manus
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ECMWF: total and physical tendencies for met and cloud vars, entire coverage,...
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AERI: temperature and mixing ratio profiles, AERI & GOES spectra
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Model Output Loc. Time Ser. (MOLTS): EDAS meteor. analy., enhanced surface, p...
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Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: hybrid analysis data, 20-km resolution
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NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard heights, at Darwin
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AERI: profiles of temperature and mixing ratio
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AERI: LBLRTM spectral residuals, w/ scaled (lbsonde) sonde input
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NCEP GFS: flux variables at Manus
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Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: isobaric output, 20 km grid, averaged to 40 km
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QME: derived AERI vs. LBLRTM-resid. stats w/scaled (lssonde) sonde input
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NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at sigma layers
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NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard pressures, at Atqasuk
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