USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Dataset for What We Ea...
The dataset, Survey-SR, provides the nutrient data for assessing dietary intakes from the national survey What We Eat In America, National Health and Nutrition Examination... -
Sodium Monitoring Dataset
The Agricultural Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in collaboration with other government agencies has a program to track changes in the sodium content... -
Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database
The Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database provides food price data to support research on the economic determinants of food consumption, diet quality, and health outcomes. -
Food Consumption and Nutrient Intakes
Food consumption in terms of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans’ food groups is reported for all sources and the total U.S. population, as well as by food source, children age... -
Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System
The ERS Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System (FADS) includes three distinct but related data series on food and nutrient availability for consumption. The data serve as...