Impacts of Gas Drilling on Human and Animal Health
Environmental concerns surrounding drilling for gas are intense due to expansion of shale gas drilling operations. Controversy surrounding the impact of drilling on air and... -
Air Compliance Complaint Database (ACCD)
THIS DATA ASSET NO LONGER ACTIVE: This is metadata documentation for the Region 7 Air Compliance Complaint Database (ACCD) which logs all air pollution complaints received by... -
Drycleaner Database - Region 7
THIS DATA ASSET NO LONGER ACTIVE: This is metadata documentation for the Region 7 Drycleaner Database (R7DryClnDB) which tracks all Region7 drycleaners who notify Region 7... -
Our Nation's Air - annual air trends report, USA, EPA OAR OAQPS
Annual air trends report in the form of an interactive web application. The report features a suite of visualization tools that allow the user to: -Learn about air pollution and... -
Dataset for Identification of Biomarkers of Exposure to FTOHs and PAPs in Hu...
Dataset for Identification of Biomarkers of Exposure to FTOHs and PAPs in Humans Using a Targeted and Non-targeted Analysis Approach. This dataset is associated with the...