Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Response Boundaries have been extracted from the WA (Enhanced) E911 system. They represent the response boundaries of emergency service providers across Washington... -
Law Enforcement Services
Emergency Response Boundaries have been extracted from the WA (Enhanced) E911 system. They represent the response boundaries of emergency service providers across Washington... -
Fire Services
Emergency Response Boundaries have been extracted from the WA (Enhanced) E911 system. They represent the response boundaries of emergency service providers across Washington... -
Emergency Response Boundaries
Emergency Response Boundaries have been extracted from the WA (Enhanced) E911 system. They represent the response boundaries of emergency service providers across Washington... -
The Oil Pollution Act authorizes certain federal agencies, states, and Indian tribes —collectively known as natural resource trustees— to evaluate the impacts of the Deepwater... -
Advancing Oil Spill Response in Ice Covered Waters
Goals & Objectives The objective of this project is to identify programs and research and development projects that improve the ability of responders to deal with... -
Quality Controlled Analytical Chemistry Data from the Deepwater Oil Spill
This collection includes 4 data files (one each for water, sediment, tissue, and tar/oil analyses) containing data from the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Oil Spill Event Response... -
The Coastal Response Research Center
focused on developing new approaches to spill response and restoration in marine and estuarine environments through research and synthesis of information -
Arctic Oil Spill Response Research and
Executive Summary This report provides a comprehensive summary of activities and accomplishments of the Minerals Management Service (MMS) Arctic Oil Spill Response Research... -
Spill Prevention and Response
The Division of Spill Prevention and Response (SPAR) prevents spills of oil and hazardous substances, prepares for when a spill occurs and responds rapidly to protect human... -
Scribe Database Collection for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
The Scribe Database Collection includes 14 databases containing data from the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Oil Spill Event Response Phase. These databases are the work of Federal... -
Hurricane Evac Zones and Routes
This layer depicts hurricane evacuation routes and risk areas as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA). Hurricane evacuation zones categorized for... -
Most Likely Extreme Response Analysis of an Ellipsoid Float Wave Energy Conve...
Input data and heave results (unsteady RANS-VOF overset simulations performed in Star-CCM+) for a float with an ellipsoid geometry. Five extreme sea states were considered, as...