EBID Weather
Weather data collected in the Elephant Butte Irrigation District, and snowpack data collected outside of the EBID. Snowpack information collected outside of EBID is sourced from... -
NetCDF files of PBL height (m), Shortwave Radiation, 10 m wind speed from WRF and Ozone from CMAQ. The data is the standard deviation of these variables for each hour of the 4... -
Areas of Anomalous Surface Temperature in Routt County, Colorado, as Identifi...
This layer contains areas of anomalous surface temperature in Routt County identified from ASTER thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature is calculated... -
Areas of Anomalous Surface Temperature in Garfield County, Colorado, as Ident...
This layer contains areas of anomalous surface temperature in Garfield County identified from ASTER thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature is... -
Areas of Anomalous Surface Temperature in Chaffee County, Colorado, as Identi...
This layer contains areas of anomalous surface temperature in Chaffee County identified from ASTER thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature is calculated... -
Bhutan Solar Resources
GIS data for Bhutan's direct normal irradiance (DNI), global horizontal irradiance (GHI), and latitude tilt irradiance. Researchers from NREL and the Atmospheric Sciences... -
National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB)
The National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) is a serially complete collection of meteorological and solar irradiance data sets for the United States and a growing list of...