Fortran/NCARgraphics program to compute and plot RRF mean and variability:map_rrf_variability_13runs_epimax.f Ioapi files needed by Fortran/NCARGraphics code:... -
NetCDF files of PBL height (m), Shortwave Radiation, 10 m wind speed from WRF and Ozone from CMAQ. The data is the standard deviation of these variables for each hour of the 4... -
An integrated agriculture, atmosphere, and hydrology modeling system for ecos...
Human activities such as agricultural fertilization and fossil fuel combustion have introduced a massive amount of anthropogenic nitrogen (N) in reactive forms to the... -
An automated common algorithm for planetary boundary layer retrievals using a...
Ceilometers are devices for measuring and recording the height of clouds using laser based LiDAR technologies. They also can measure the height of planetary boundary layer... -
Figure 9
This is a NetCDF file in ioapi format that contains the probability that ozone is above the 8 hr max O3 standard for the four days of the simulation. This dataset is not... -
EPA June 2012 12km Continental US (CONUS) Bidirectional CMAQ v5.0.2 Simulations
This work is the first of a two‐part study that aims to develop a computationally efficient bias correction framework to improve surface PM2.5 forecasts in the United States....