The CfD Allocation Regulations stipulate that BEIS must issue a Budget Notice for each Allocation Round setting out the overall budget for each delivery year, Administrative Strike Prices (ASPs) and any maxima or minima that may apply. BEIS publishes a Draft Budget Notice in advance of the Final Budget Notice.
This dataset takes the ASP data of each Technology type per year and the relevant Maxima/Minima from these publications:-
Sets the maximum support, on a £/MWh basis, that the government is willing to offer developers for each technology in a given delivery year. ASPs set a cap on clearing prices in an auction as generators cannot receive a strike price value higher than their technology ASP.
The Allocation Round of the data
The Secretary of State may in a budget notice specify the maximum budgets which apply to the descriptions of applications specified in the notice.
The Secretary of State may in a budget notice specify the budgets which are reserved for the descriptions of applications specified in the notice.
Publication Date
The date of publication
Technologies of CfD generators e.g.: Offshore Wind, Onshore Wind, Solar PV, Advanced Conversion Technology, etc.
Technology Groups
Eligible generation technologies for Allocation Round auction participation. Technologies are grouped into Pots on the basis industry maturity.
Whether the data is from the Draft/Final/Revised publication