Admiralty Inlet Advanced Turbulence Measurements: May 2015

This data is from measurements at Admiralty Head, in Admiralty Inlet (Puget Sound) in May of 2015. The measurements were made using Inertial Motion Unit (IMU) equipped ADVs mounted on a 'StableMoor' (Manufacturer: DeepWater Buoyancy) buoy and a Tidal Turbulence Mooring (TTM). These platforms position ADV heads above the seafloor to make mid-depth turbulence measurements. The inertial measurements from the IMU allows for removal of mooring motion in post processing.

The mooring and buoy motion has been removed from the stream-wise and vertical velocity signals (u, w). The lateral (v) velocity has some 'persistent motion contamination' due to mooring sway.

The TTM was deployed with one ADV, it's position was: 48 09.145', -122 41.209'

The StableMoor was deployed twice, the first time it was deployed in 'wing-mode' with two ADVs ('Port' and 'Star') at: 48 09.166', -122 41.173'

The second StableMoor deployment was in 'Nose' mode with one ADV at: 48 09.166', -122 41.174'


  • Velocity data (_u, urot, uacc) is in m/s.
  • Acceleration (Accel) data is in m/s^2.
  • Angular rate (AngRt) data is in rad/s.
  • The components of all vectors are in 'ENU' orientation. That is, the first index is True East, the second is True North, and the third is Up (vertical).
  • All other quantities are in the units defined in the Nortek Manual.

Motion correction and rotation into the ENU earth reference frame was performed using the Python-based open source DOLfYN library ( Details on motion correction can be found there.

Additional details on TTM measurements at this site can be found in the included Marine Energy Technology Symposium paper.

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Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
dcat_issued 2015-05-18T06:00:00Z
dcat_modified 2020-07-30T18:56:41Z
dcat_publisher_name National Renewable Energy Laboratory
ib1_trust_framework []