Handbuch zur Nutzung der CLIMAMAP-Karten

CLIMAMAP - "Climate Change Impact Maps for Austrian Regions".

Strategies for climate change adaptation exist on different levels. CLIMAMAP aims at filling this gap by designing climate change impact maps (incl. communication of uncertainties). These preliminary maps from the ongoing project support municipalities in understanding climate change impacts, in building capacities and in implementing adaptation measures. Co-developing the impact maps with the end-users ensures that information needs of municipalities are met. Potential changes will be made upon necessity. The project is funded by the Klima- und Energiefonds in the frame of the "Austrian Climate Change Programme".


Dieses Handbuch gibt Unterstützung bei der Verwendung des Kartenmaterials, welches im Projekt CLIMAMAP erstellt wurde. Es werden die verschiedenen Kartentypen, verwendeten Klima-Indikatoren sowie Schlüsselbegriffe zum Verständnis der Karten erläutert.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Andrea Prutsch
Author Email Andrea Prutsch
Maintainer Benedikt Becsi
Maintainer Email Benedikt Becsi
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
harvest_object_id cf4b62be-377a-400d-b59a-050f551cc374
harvest_source_id 39bb87e5-d63e-483d-a85a-62f6a1675bc4
harvest_source_title CCCA Data Server