Congo Brazzaville - Independent and grid-injection hydro mini-grid projects (2019)

This data was collected during the project: Preparation of a high-level least-cost geospatial analysis for grid and off-grid electrification options Synoptic analysis of low-cost electrification solutions in Congo The geospatial planning exercise examined the least cost options for grid extension, off-grid supply and distributed energy solutions in Congo based on the scenarios outlined above. The consultant identified 11 mini-hydro projects that could be developed both to electrify rural communities on an off-grid basis as well as potential sites for grid injection

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harvest_object_id ee9b9cdb-f2ed-481b-b7e4-6acb0298a73c
harvest_source_id 7018b599-3047-42dd-a6ea-ec72ea057d07