This dataset identifies a target area, the purpose of which is to increase native woodland creation through Forestry Grant Scheme (FGS) applications in Highland and Argyll. The proposed new woodland must be within the identified area to receive a higher payment rate. The higher payment rate will apply to the following woodland creation options: Native Scots Pine, Native Upland Birch, Native Broadleaves, Native Low-density Broadleaves. The rate will be dependent on the extent to which the eligible option(s), detailed above, is within the native woodland target area. For example, if 50 per cent or more of the eligible option(s) is within the native woodland target area, the whole option will receive the higher payment rate. If less than 50 per cent of the eligible option(s) is within the native woodland target area, the higher payment rate will not be applied. Please discuss with your local conservancy office to confirm that your application meets this requirement. Please also note that within any of the target areas the capital items such as fences and gates will remain at the standard payment rates. The target area is primarily based on information derived from the Highland Council, and Argyll & Bute Council Forest and Woodland Strategy (FWS). The area of the Councils that overlaps with the National Parks have been excluded from this dataset. The National Parks are covered by a separate target area datasets, with different eligible options.For more detailed information please see the metadata record on Scotland's metadata portal.