This option provides grant aid to help owners or occupiers of forested land obtain and prepare the data they need to formulate a robust Deer Management Plan. The plan will help them control deer populations in order to secure the regeneration of broadleaved and/or diverse conifer species. This grant is for the work required to carry out the population survey and baseline damage assessment at a landscape scale. The aim of the Deer Management Plan must be to reduce deer densities to an agreed target. We would normally expect this to be in the range of five to 10 deer per square kilometre within three years, and then to maintain them at that level for a further two or more years. The actual deer density and the target population will depend upon the quality of the habitat and carrying capacity of the woodland, and the level of damage being experienced. The Deer Management Plan must be based on an accurate, independent third-party assessment of deer densities. The survey results will be used to develop a deer population model for the area in question, and hence a robust culling plan. This survey method may not be appropriate for all situations and so it is important that potential applicants discuss the proposal with local Scottish Forestry staff as soon as possible.For more detailed information please see the metadata record on Scotland's Metadata Portal.