Hydrogeochemical data for groundwater remediation systems in Bihar, India, 2018-2022

This dataset contains water chemistry for inlet samples for remediation systems in Bihar, India and associated remediation system efficiency for arsenic removal. The dataset contains paired inlet-outlet data for 31 household and community groundwater remediation systems of different technology types (split into reverse osmosis/RO and non-reverse osmosis) and settings (household and non-household). The chemical data includes the composition of inlet water (concentrations of Fe, P, As, Ca, Mg, Na and Si) and associated arsenic removal. This data was generated as part of the Indo-UK Water Quality Programme Project FAR-GANGA (NE/R003386/1 and DST/TM/INDO-UK/2K17/55(C) & 55(G)).

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Field Value
Source https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/77700f8e-5da6-45ab-9c12-df1a7d20bc32
Author Email
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
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IB1 Trust Framework
Contact URI https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/77700f8e-5da6-45ab-9c12-df1a7d20bc32_c0
Contact email [email protected]
Contact name Richards, L.A.
GUID https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/77700f8e-5da6-45ab-9c12-df1a7d20bc32
Identifier https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/77700f8e-5da6-45ab-9c12-df1a7d20bc32
Language ["eng"]
Publisher URI https://ror.org/04xw4m193
URI https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/77700f8e-5da6-45ab-9c12-df1a7d20bc32
dcat_type http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset
harvest_object_id d5ca83dd-77fb-4a30-8a7e-ea26cbbef696
harvest_source_id d4fbf67d-0e8f-4732-a34e-be92ef65e401
harvest_source_title ceh-eidc
provenance n397da48a82c34dd09ae0ca5ff473b4bab6946
spatial_text POLYGON((83.079 24.107, 83.079 27.571, 88.594 27.571, 88.594 24.107, 83.079 24.107))