Impact des événements météorologiques extrêmes sur l'économie forestière suisse: le point de vue des scieries

Extreme events impact on the Swiss forest economy: the sawmill perspective

Supplementary Information This survey aimed at answering three main questions: (i) What are the Swiss sawmills challenges and actions taken after a large storm/windthrow?, (ii) How do these challenges and actions vary across sawmill size and location?, and (iii) is adaptation from the sawmills to extreme events possible, with regards to wood type, products and required infrastructure?

Informations supplémentaires Cette enquête visait à répondre à trois questions principales : (i) Quels sont les défis et les mesures prises par les scieries suisses après une grosse tempête ou un coup de vent ? (ii) Comment ces défis et ces mesures varient-ils selon la taille et l'emplacement de la scierie ? et (iii) l'adaptation des scieries aux événements extrêmes est-elle possible, en ce qui concerne le type de bois, les produits et l'infrastructure requise ?

Ziel dieser Umfrage war die Beantwortung von drei Hauptfragen: (i) Welche s sind die Herausforderungen und Massnahmen der Schweizer Sägewerke nach einem grossen Sturm/Windwurf?, (ii) Wie unterscheiden sich diese Herausforderungen und Massnahmen je nach Grösse und Standort des Sägewerks? und (iii) Ist eine Anpassung der Sägewerke an Extremereignisse möglich, in Bezug auf Holzart, Produkte und erforderliche Infrastruktur?

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Version 1.0
Author [{"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "data_credit": ["collection", "validation", "curation", "publication"], "email": "[email protected]", "given_name": "Gillianne", "identifier": "0000-0002-4374-3141", "name": "Bowman"}, {"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "data_credit": ["collection", "publication"], "email": "paula.Sangin\u00e9sdeC\[email protected]", "given_name": "Paula ", "identifier": "", "name": "Sangin\u00e9s de C\u00e1rcer"}, {"affiliation": "S-WIN", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "data_credit": ["collection", "publication"], "email": "[email protected]", "given_name": "Dimitra ", "identifier": "", "name": "Vlaskou Badra"}, {"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "data_credit": ["collection", "publication", "supervision"], "email": "[email protected]", "given_name": "Janine", "identifier": "", "name": "Schweier"}]
Author Email
Maintainer {"affiliation": "WSL", "email": "[email protected]", "given_name": "Gillianne", "identifier": "", "name": "Bowman"}
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
harvest_object_id cd98ea07-5f28-4036-890e-72d67c4357e9
harvest_source_id 8fc5dcf9-738c-468f-985c-d55347a92f88
harvest_source_title EnviDat