THIS FILE IS NOT THE FINAL FILE AND ORDNANCE SURVEY MIGHT MAKE UPDATES TO IT BEFORE WE RELEASE THE FINAL FILEThis file is a 'best fit' lookup file of 2021 LSOA to Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (July 2024) to Local Authority Districts in England and Wales - (File Size - 2.8 MB)These Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies will become operative at the next General Election on the 4th July 2024.Field Names - LSOA21CD, LSOA21NM, LSOA21NMW, PCON25CD, PCON25NM, PCON25NMW, LAD21CD, LAD21NMField Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 9, 40, 29, 9, 40, 32, 9, 35
For more information and an overview of best-fitting follow this link -