The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is a household survey programme developed by UNICEF to assist countries in filling data gaps for monitoring human development in general and the situation of children and women in particular. MICS is capable of producing statistically sound, internationally comparable estimates of social indicators. The current round of MICS is focused on providing a monitoring tool for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the World Fit for Children (WFFC), as well as for other major international commitments, such as the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on HIV/AIDS and the Abuja targets for malaria. Survey Objectives The 2005 Montenegro Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey has as its primary objectives: To provide up-to-date information for assessing the situation of children and women in Montenegro. To furnish data needed for monitoring progress toward goals established in the Millennium Declaration, the goals of A World Fit For Children (WFFC), and other internationally agreed upon goals, as a basis for future action; To contribute to the improvement of data and monitoring systems in Montenegro and to strengthen technical expertise in the design, implementation, and analysis of such systems. Survey Content MICS questionnaires are designed in a modular fashion that can be easily customized to the needs of a country. They consist of a household questionnaire, a questionnaire for women aged 15-49 and a questionnaire for children under the age of five (to be administered to the mother or caretaker). Other than a set of core modules, countries can select which modules they want to include in each questionnaire. Survey Implementation The survey was carried out by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Montenegro (MONSTAT) and the Strategic Marketing Research Agency (SMMRI), with the support and assistance of UNICEF and other partners. Technical assistance and training for the survey was provided through a series of regional workshops, covering questionnaire content, sampling and survey implementation; data processing; data quality and data analysis; report writing and dissemination. In 2005 Serbia and Montenegro was the State Union composed of the Republic of Serbia (92.5% of population) and the Republic of Montenegro (7.5% of total population). The MICS 2005 survey was planned and implemented on the whole territory of Serbia and Montenegro, and all documents regarding survey plan and contracts with implementing agencies covered the State Union. In May, 2006 the Republic of Montenegro had a referendum of independency and the State Union broke apart. The results of MICS 2005 survey were presented separately for both countries and two separate reports were prepared. The survey was implemented by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (in Serbia) and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Montenegro (in Montenegro) and the expert research agency Strategic Marketing & Media Research Institute (SMMRI), which covered the survey implementation in both Serbia and Montenegro. Special tasks performed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Montenegro: Preparation of questionnaire for the survey: Preparation of methodological guidelines for realization of the survey; Updating of lists of households in the selected census block units; Conducting the pilot ; Selection of households to be covered by sample; Coordination of work of their teams in the field; Interviewing of the households; Work control of their teams; Preparation of report. Special tasks performed by the SMMRI: Sample selection; Preparation of survey tools; Organising the training; Conducting the pilot; Updating of lists of households in the selected census block units; Organising field work; Coordination of work of their teams in the field; Interviewing of the households; Work control of their teams; Data processing and analysis.