Nepal - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010

The Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (NMICS) 2010 is a subnational survey of 7,372 women aged 15–49 years and 3,574 children under five from 6,000 households in the Mid- and Far Western Regions (MFWR) of Nepal. NMICS 2010 was implemented as part of the fourth round of the global MICS household survey programme with technical and financial support from UNICEF Nepal in collaboration with the Government of Nepal. The main purpose of NMICS 2010 is to support the government to generate statistically sound and comparable data for monitoring the situation of children and women in the MFWR of the country. NMICS 2010 covers topics related to nutrition, child health, water and sanitation, reproductive health, child development, literacy and education, child protection, HIV and AIDS, mass media and the use of information and communication technology, attitude towards domestic violence, the use of tobacco and alcohol, and life satisfaction. In addition, NMICS 2010 is the first survey in Nepal to provide baseline information on the prevalence of chaupadi (women who live in a separate house or animal shed during menstruation) in the MFWR and evidence on women’s life satisfaction.

Data and Resources

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Author United Nations Children’s Fund; Central Bureau of Statistics of Nepal
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Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
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