Newberry Well 55-29 Stimulation Data 2014
Data and Resources
Daily Reports.pdfPDF
Daily report compilation of all field operations from 2014-04-13 through...
DTS Trace Data.datdat
Raw depth-temperature data of well 55-29. Tab-delimited.
Temperature Profile.JPGJPEG
Temperature profile of well 55-29 during injection with respect to static...
October Flow Test.xlsxXLSX
WHT, WHP, and flow including flow rate and pressure data from 10-24-2014
November Flow Test.xlsxXLSX
WHT, WHP, and flow data from 11-24-2014
Backflow Report.xlsxXLSX
Preliminary backflow report
Groundwater Average Data.xlsxXLSX
Averaged groundwater and gas chemistry data from various wells
Surface Water and Groundwater Quality Data.pdfPDF
Scanned tabled of surface water and groundwater quality data from multiple wells
Stimulation Results 2013.pdfPDF
Stimulation Results From the Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration, GRC 2013...
Production Well Targeting 2015.pdfPDF
Production Well Targeting at Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration paper from...
EGS Demonstration Results Presentation 2014.pptxPPTX
2014 Results from Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration presentation from...
EGS Demonstration Results 2015.pdfPDF
Results from Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration paper from Stanford...
THMC Modeling of Stimulation 2015.pdfPDF
Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical Modeling of the 2014 EGS Stimulation...
DHP - 9545 ft.xlsxXLSX
Downhole pressure in 55-29 at 9545ft
DHP - Shoe.xlsxXLSX
Downhole pressure in 55-29 at shoe
PTS Survey Plots - 15_Oct_14.pdfPDF
Pressure, temperature, and spinner (PTS) survey data during RIH and POOH...
PTS Survey Data - 15_Oct_14.xlsXLS
PTS survey data during RIH and POOH 10/15/2014 EXCEL
PTS Survey Plots - 17_Nov_14.pdfPDF
Pressure, temperature, spinner (PTS) survey data during RIH and POOH...
PTS Survey Data - 17_Nov_14.xlsXLS
Pressure Temperature Spinner (PTS) survey data during RIH and POOH 11/17/2014...
PTS Survey Plots - 18_Nov_14.pdfPDF
Pressure Temperature Spinner (PTS) survey data during RIH and POOH 11/18/2014...
PTS Survey Data - 18_Nov_14.xlsXLS
Pressure Temperature Spinner (PTS) survey data during RIH and POOH 11/18/2014...
PTS Survey Plots - 19_Nov_14.pdfPDF
Pressure Temperature Spinner (PTS) survey data during RIH and POOH 11/19/2014...
PTS Survey Data - 19_Nov_14.xlsXLS
Pressure Temperature Spinner (PTS) survey data during RIH and POOH 11/19/2014...
PTS Survey Plots - 20_Nov_14.pdfPDF
Pressure Temperature Spinner (PTS) survey data during RIH and POOH 11/20/2014...
PTS Survey Plots - 20_Nov_14.xlsXLS
Pressure Temperature Spinner (PTS) survey data during RIH and POOH 11/20/2014...
MT Results.docxDOCX
Seismic monitoring data from Foulger in tables in a word doc
Induced Seismicity Analysis Report.pdfPDF
Final induced seismisity analysis report from Foulger Consulting to AltaRock...
Weekly Report - 05_Nov_14.pdfPDF
Weekly report #5 from Foulger on processing of induced earthquakes associated...
Weekly Report - 10_Oct_14.pdfPDF
Weekly report #1 from Foulger on processing of induced earthquakes associated...
Weekly Report - 12_Nov_14.pdfPDF
Weekly report #6 from Foulger on processing of induced earthquakes associated...
Weekly Report - 15_Oct_14.pdfPDF
Weekly report #2 from Foulger on processing of induced earthquakes associated...
Weekly Report - 19_Nov_14.pdfPDF
Weekly report #7 from Foulger on processing of induced earthquakes associated...
Weekly Report - 22_Oct_14.pdfPDF
Weekly report #3 from Foulger on processing of induced earthquakes associated...
Weekly Report - 26_Nov_14.pdfPDF
Weekly report #8 from Foulger on processing of induced earthquakes associated...
Weekly Report - 29_Oct_14.pdfPDF
Weekly report #4 from Foulger on processing of induced earthquakes associated...
1 - ISMP V4 3Aug11_lowres.pdfPDF
Induced Seismicity Mitigation Plan
ISMP Addendum.pdfPDF
Induced Seismicity Mitigation Plan Addendum
B-Value Cumulative Moments.pdfPDF
B-value Cumulative Moments
ISTI Seismic Event Locations.txtTXT
ISTI raw seismic event locations data
LBNL Seismic Event Locations.txtTXT
LBNL raw seismic event locations
Clustered Seismic Events 02-26-2015.relocreloc
LBNL clustered seismic event locations
Unclustered Seismic Events 02-26-2015.relocreloc
LBNL no clustering seismic event locations
Clustered Seismic Events 03-11-2015.relocreloc
LBNL clustered seismic event locations
Newberry NPICKS08.relocreloc
LBNL 8 seismic arrays
Newberry NPICKS12.relocreloc
LBNL 12 seismic arrays
Newberry NPICKS14.relocreloc
LBNL 14 seismic arrays
Unclustered Seismic Events 03-11-2015.relocreloc
LBNL unclustered seismic event locations
LLNL Best Seismic Event Locations.outout
LLNL best seismic event locations
PNSN Seismic Event Locations.csvCSV
PNSN seismic event locations
NWG 55-29 Schematic 2014.pdfPDF
Wellbore schematic diagram with casing and open hole depths and sizes
Newberry 2014 Datalog 1.xlsxXLSX
Automated data log of ultrasonic flowrate, WHT, and WHP (1 of 2)
Newberry 2014 Datalog 2.xlsxXLSX
Automated data log of ultrasonic flowrate, WHT, and WHP (2 of 2)
Newberry Walkaround Log.xlsxXLSX
Manual readings of flow (Weir Box), and WHP
Newberry Well 55-29 2014.zipZIP
Folder containing all files associated with the PTS testing, hydraulic...
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | |
Version | |
Author | |
Author Email | |
Maintainer | |
Maintainer Email | |
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) | Open |
IB1 Sensitivity Class | |
IB1 Trust Framework | |
IB1 Dataset Assurance | |
IB1 Trust Framework | |
GUID | |
Language | |
dcat_issued | 2015-09-03T06:00:00Z |
dcat_modified | 2019-11-14T22:40:11Z |
dcat_publisher_name | AltaRock Energy Inc |
ib1_trust_framework | [] |