The data contains the following columns: ...
The data contains the following columns:
SiteID: numeric, the identity of the garden where the bee was sampled.
Taxonname: character, species name
Lecty: numeric discreet, a mesure of specialisation degree. Levels: 1 = monolectic; 2=oliolectic; 3=polilectic
Pheno.start= numeric discreet, the starting week of the flying activity.
Pheno.end= numeric discreet, the ending week of the flying activity.
Pheno.duration=numeric discreet, Pheno.end - Pheno.start
Daytime.activity = numeric continuous, individual-level measure of the day hour when the bee was sampled
ITD = numeric continuous, individual-level measure of the InterTegular Distance, a metric of mobility in mm.
Rel.tongue.length =numeric continuous, individual-level measure of the relative tongue length (Tongue length / ITD), a metric of specilaisation degree, in mm.
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | unknown |
Metadata last updated | December 17, 2023 |
Created | unknown |
Format | .csv |
License | CC0-1.0 |
Created | 3 years ago |
Size | 200,011 |
Id | 43152ded-fa38-4a75-938c-bf63d7018ad1 |
Package id | 4e058b7f-925c-4187-8d58-28fba31ed64d |
Position | 3 |
Resource size | {"size_units": "kb", "size_value": ""} |
Restricted | {"level": "public", "allowed_users": ""} |
State | active |