Ozone flux, dynamic global vegetation, and carbon storage modelled data of tropical forests using the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES), 1900-2015

This dataset includes spatially-explicit input, output and summary data from the use of dynamic global vegetation model, the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES V5.6). This includes the spatial extent of extant, current-secondary and potential- secondary forests, as well as both preindustrial (1900-1910) and recent (2005-2014) average O3 concentrations resampled at a spatial resolution of 1.25 deg latitude by 1.875 deg longitude. Output data includes the modelled impact of O3 on net-primary productivity (NPP) of tropical forests under current O3 concentrations as well as the cumulative impact on the global carbon cycle. This dataset was created to model predicted impacts of ozone (O3) on tropical forests across the globe between 1900 and 2015, and is supported by NERC PROJECT: NE/R001812/1 Ozone impacts on tropical vegetation; implications for forest productivity (Trop-Oz).

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Field Value
Source https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/87412c44-f11a-4182-b182-47d872ad7ebd
Author Email
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Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
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Contact URI https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3931-5766
Contact email [email protected]
Contact name Cheesman, A.W.
GUID https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/87412c44-f11a-4182-b182-47d872ad7ebd
Identifier https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/87412c44-f11a-4182-b182-47d872ad7ebd
Language ["eng"]
Publisher URI https://ror.org/04xw4m193
URI https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/87412c44-f11a-4182-b182-47d872ad7ebd
dcat_type http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset
harvest_object_id 6db3d2ab-2671-48ee-a997-89fcdcbfc3bf
harvest_source_id d4fbf67d-0e8f-4732-a34e-be92ef65e401
harvest_source_title ceh-eidc
provenance n397da48a82c34dd09ae0ca5ff473b4bab8466
spatial_text POLYGON((-180 -25.6, -180 25.6, 180 25.6, 180 -25.6, -180 -25.6))