Sunlab Faro weather station data
Data and Resources
Sunlab Faro weather station data from the...XLSX
The granularity of the data is one minute and the timezone is UTC...
Sunlab Faro weather station data from year 2016XLSX
The granularity of the data is one minute and the timezone is UTC...
Sunlab Faro weather station data from year 2014XLSX
The granularity of the data is one minute and the timezone is UTC...
Sunlab Faro weather station data from the...XLSX
The granularity of the data is one minute and the timezone is UTC...
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | |
Version | |
Author | Energias de Portugal SA (EDP) |
Author Email | Energias de Portugal SA (EDP) |
Maintainer | |
Maintainer Email | |
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) | Open |
IB1 Sensitivity Class | IB1-O - Open Data |
IB1 Trust Framework | |
IB1 Dataset Assurance | |
IB1 Trust Framework |