Digital data from VG07-5 Springston, G. and De Simone, D., 2007,�Surficial geologic map of the town of Williston, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report VG07-5, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000.� Data may include surficial geologic contacts, isopach contours lines, bedrock outcrop polygons, bedrock geologic contacts, hydrogeologic units and more. The surficial geologic materials data at a scale of 1:24,000 depict types of unconsolidated surficial and glacial materials overlying bedrock in Vermont. Data is created by mapping on the ground using standard geologic pace and compass techniques and/or GPS on a USGS 1:24000 topographic base map. The materials data is selected from the Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report (OFR) publication ( The OFR contains more complete descriptions of map units, cross-sections, isopach maps and other information that may not be included in this digital data set.