Usumacinta River Basin - Water Quality Analysis

The products within the water quality service provide the parameters (a) Chlorophyll concentration (CHL), (b) Total suspended matter concentration (TSM), (c) Dissolved organic matter absorption (CDOM), and (d) Signal depths (Z90). They are provided as monthly averages in raster data sets in two different resolutions: 300m and 1200m. Overview images are provided which show the monthly averages of each year. Besides the image data, times series plots are delivered showing the evolution of the respective parameters for the areas of interest (AOIs). Finally, matrix plots are provided that show the values for each month and year for interpretation of the yearly evolution of the parameters (heatmaps). This dataset is one of the products produced under the 2014-2016 World Bank (WBG) European Space Agency (ESA) partnership, and is published in the partnership report: Earth Observation for Sustainable Development, June 2016.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Version None
Author World Bank Group
Author Email World Bank Group
Maintainer None
Maintainer Email None
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
harvest_object_id 97f8c690-d929-4baf-8929-68b214e9a8a3
harvest_source_id 7018b599-3047-42dd-a6ea-ec72ea057d07