Weibull Parameters of Wind Speeds 2001 to 2010 -- 30m above ground level

Weibull distribution parameters, k (shape) and C (scale), of wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 30m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. The required modelling and compilation were completed in 2013, by analysing measurements taken during 2001--2010.

The Weibull parameters, in 1 km grid resolution, were calculated from means and standard deviations using Method 3 in Justus et al. (1978). Finally, zipped collections of shapefiles are available in two spatial reference or coordinate systems:
1) Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM, EPSG:2157)
2) WGS 84 (EPSG:3857)

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) offers the same data in its Wind Atlas, a digital map of Ireland's wind energy resource (http://gis.seai.ie/wind). SEAI's wind speed datasets assist wind energy planners, developers and policy makers.

Justus, C. G., Hargraves, W. R., Mikhail, A. and Graber, D., (1978) Methods for Estimating Wind Speed Frequency Distributions. J. Appl . Meteor., 17(3), pp. 350–353.

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Field Value
Author Email
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
Contact email [email protected]
Contact name Energy Policy Statistics Support Unit
GUID https://data.gov.ie/dataset/41cff742-61b3-4171-8532-4e41a4300c41
Identifier 41cff742-61b3-4171-8532-4e41a4300c41
Issued 2021-06-30T00:00:00
Language ["en"]
Modified 2021-06-30T12:35:22
Publisher URI https://data.gov.ie/organization/sustainable-energy-authority-of-ireland
Publisher name Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
Theme ["Energy", "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/ENER"]
URI https://data.gov.ie/dataset/41cff742-61b3-4171-8532-4e41a4300c41
harvest_object_id 8af669f9-ee79-44a2-9abf-5d8e74c27218
harvest_source_id de4e2001-bffc-48d1-887d-9cbd1f3ec253
harvest_source_title data.gov.ie - Energy
provenance SEAI Wind Atlas (http://gis.seai.ie/wind)