Wetlands Habitat and Networks
This dataset is part of a suite of shape-files which make up the CSGN 2021 Habitat Connectivity Map. The maps identify areas of habitat (woodland, grassland, wetland and bog and... -
Woodland Opportunity Areas
This dataset is part of a suite of shape-files which make up the CSGN 2021 Habitat Connectivity Map. The maps identify areas of habitat (woodland, grassland, wetland and bog and... -
Grasslands Opportunity Areas
This dataset is part of a suite of shape-files which make up the CSGN 2021 Habitat Connectivity Map. The maps identify areas of habitat (woodland, grassland, wetland and bog and... -
Bog and Heath Habitat and Networks
This dataset is part of a suite of shape-files which make up the CSGN 2021 Habitat Connectivity Map. The maps identify areas of habitat (woodland, grassland, wetland and bog and... -
CNP Grassland Mapping Project 2020-22 - Polygon Centre Points
This dataset provides polygon centroids (derived from CNPGrasslandMapping_2020to2022_Polygons dataset) providing results of grassland surveys undertaken in the Cairngorms... -
CNP Grassland Mapping Project 2020-22 - Habitat classes table
Table with summary habitat data grouping NVC habitat codes into broad classes with the aim of making them more understandable to a non-specialist audience. Data are derived from... -
CNP Grassland Mapping Project 2020-22 - Polygons
This polygon dataset provides results of grassland surveys undertaken in the Cairngorms National Park between 2020 and 2022 as part of a joint project delivered by NatureScot... -
SRG Badenoch-Strathspey Inbye Survey 2006-2007 (extract) - Habitat classes table
Table with summary habitat data grouping NVC habitat codes into broad classes with the aim of making them more understandable to a non-specialist audience. Data are derived from... -
CNP Grassland Mapping Project 2020-22 - Target Notes
This point dataset contains target notes recorded during grassland field surveys in the Cairngorms National Park undertaken between 2020 and 2022, as part of a joint project... -
CNP Grassland Mapping Project 2020-22 - SRG attributes
This point dataset contains information on the quality and condition of species-rich grassland communities recorded during field surveys in the Cairngorms National Park... -
SRG Badenoch-Strathspey Inbye Survey 2006-2007 (extract) - Points
A selection of 1351 from the IACS (Integrated Administration and Control System) dataset, classified as either permanent pasture or rough grazing, and <50 ha in size, were... -
Peatland ACTION completed restoration centroids
Completed restoration project site centroids in Peatland ACTION are locations on a map that represent the geographic centre of peatland restoration projects that have been... -
agol pa site centroids objects
Completed restoration project site centroids in Peatland ACTION are locations on a map that represent the geographic centre of peatland restoration projects that have been... -
Peatland ACTION completed restoration footprints
Completed restoration projects footprint in Peatland ACTION refers to the geographic extent of peatland restoration projects that have been completed. These footprints are... -
Peatland Action Peat depth and condition
Nature Scot (NS) has prepared a consolidated spatial dataset of peat depth measurement collected across Scotland. The information was collected during peat depth surveys... -
Coastal Vegetated Shingle Survey
This dataset has no description
Geomorphology of the Cairngorm Mountains
This dataset has no description
NatureScot Peatland ACTION WMS
Web Map Service maintained by NatureScot to publish GIS data related to the Peatland ACTION project -
Coastal Vegetated Shingle target notes
This dataset has no description
Coastal Vegetated Shingle transects
This dataset has no description