A selection of 1351 from the IACS (Integrated Administration and Control System) dataset, classified as either permanent pasture or rough grazing, and <50 ha in size, were visited by surveyors in Badenoch and Strathspey in 2006 and 2007. The vegetation communities and their relative percentage cover were recorded using the National Vegetation Classification (NVC). Additional fields (not included in the IACS extract) deemed to contain grassland communities of interest were also opportunistically surveyed, giving a total of 1877 fields.815 of the fields were found to contain species-rich grassland (SRG) communities. 541 of them had IACS field boundaries. 274 had no IACS field boundary and were mapped as central point locations only. The original GIS datasets were reassessed in 2020/2021 using the most recent available aerial photography (from Getmapping plc) to establish the likelihood that species-rich grassland was still present in the fields and identify potential causes of loss or change.This dataset provides central points for the 815 fields with SRG from the 2006/2007 field surveys, plus results of the 2020/2021 aerial photo reassessment, and contains the following fields:NVC_1 to NVC_19 – NVC communities recorded in field (from 2006/2007 surveys); COVER_1 to COVER_19 – relative % cover of each NVC community in field; NVC_LIST – list of all NVC communities in field and % cover; SRG_NVC – species-rich grassland NVC communities in field; SRG_COVER – total % cover of species-rich grassland in field; POLY_HA – area of field (in hectares); SRG_HA – area (in hectares) of species-rich grassland in field;SRG_LIKELI – likelihood that SRG is still present in the field (low, medium, high) following aerial photography assessment;LOSS_CAUSE – cause of SRG loss, if apparent, from pre-defined categories (development, amenity and recreation, plantation, under management, livestock damage, agricultural improvement, other, uncertain); SRG_COMMENT – comment with additional information relating to perceived change/loss of SRG in the field and the extent of loss; IMAGERY_YR – most recent year of aerial imagery against which field was assessed;GRIDREF – grid reference of center point;DATASET – source dataset from which point feature was derived;ID – unique identifier.Polygon data is also available for the fields that had IACS boundaries in the BadSpeyInbyeSurvey_2006to2007_SRGExtract_Fields dataset.