4 datasets found

Formats: API Tags: clean air act

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  • Fuel Economy Label and CAFE Data

    The Engine and Vehicle Compliance Certification and Fuel Economy Inventory contains measured emissions and fuel economy compliance information for light duty vehicles. Data is...
  • Mobile Source Emissions Regulatory Compliance Data Inventory

    The Mobile Source Emissions Regulatory Compliance Data Inventory data asset contains measured summary compliance information on light-duty, heavy-duty, and non-road engine...
  • Fuels Reporting System Data

    This asset includes compliance data (registrations and reports), including reports related to reformulated gasoline and conventional gasoline (anti-dumping), gasoline sulfur,...
  • Consent Decrees

    EPAs Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) cases and settlements webpage contains links to selected settlements resolving civil enforcement cases and, in some...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).