Macro-Statistics / Macro Indicators
Explore macroeconomic statistics and indicators, including GDP, Gross Fixed Capital Formation, National Income, and more. This dataset covers a wide range of countries such as... -
Foreign Trade
Explore the Saudi Arabia Foreign Trade dataset to analyze imports, exports, % change in exports, % change in imports, trade value, trade direction, and SAMA annual data.... -
Merchandise Export
Explore the Saudi Arabia Merchandise Export dataset for insights into non-oil exports, agricultural products, construction materials, petrochemicals, and more . Non-oil... -
Composition of Imports
Explore the Saudi Arabia Composition of Imports dataset , including valuable insights on various categories such as Precious Metals, Textiles, Machinery, and more. Discover the... -
Value of Exported Petroleum and Imported Crude Oil
This open data contains information about Bahrain crude oil imports and petroleum exports for local and Saudi oils. Note: Figures may not add to total due to rounding. Energy... -
Merchandise Exports
Explore the merchandise exports dataset for Saudi Arabia, including information on national exports, oil exports, value, non-oil exports, share in total exports (%), re-exports,...