VT Lake Champlain (extracted from VHDCARTO) - polygon
A Lake Champlain subset of the VHDCARTO dataset--which is a simplified cartographic-purpose version of the local resolution Vermont Hydrography Dataset (VHD). The full... -
VT Data - Downloadable Topographically Defined Floodplains - Lake Champlain B...
Flood-model data--in .tif format--that's depicted in Tile Layer Topographically Defined Floodplains - Lake Champlain Basin (probHAND 2022). Downloadable by HUC-8 area. -
VT Data - Reaches Associated with Topographically Defined Floodplains - Lake ...
(Link to Metadata) The 2022 Topographically-defined Floodplains for Lake Champlain Basin were generated from high-resolution topographic data along rivers draining greater than...