(Link to Metadata) The 2022 Topographically-defined Floodplains for Lake Champlain Basin were generated from high-resolution topographic data along rivers draining greater than 2 square miles. They are for planning and research use by government, academic, commercial and non-governmental agencies; they are not a substitute for FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps and they are not intended for regulatory use. The intent was to generate greater geospatial coverage of floodplains in the basin to support restoration and conservation project planning for improved water quality, enhanced flood and climate resilience, and expanded habitat and ecosystem functions. The model (raster) is served as an ArcGIS Tile Layer and as individual HUC-based .tiff files.A companion vector layer (Reaches) is included with this dataset to reflect various parameters, notices, and warnings associated with the model run at each reach.The ArcGIS Tile Layer is served in the WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere spatial reference; the .tiff files and Reaches are in the NAD 1983 VT State Plane Meters spatial reference.Dataset is representative of ground conditions at the time of the most recent State of Vermont LiDAR flights; 2013-2017 Additional information is available in report located in HAND report.