ACS 2012 Youth Estimates

Estimates of persons with disabilities or other support needs by Census tract in Washington State. DSHS prepared estimates of persons with disabilities or other support needs in Washington Census tracts using data from the US Census Bureau’s 2012 American Community Survey. The estimates were prepared for DSHS and the Washington Department of Health to assist in emergency preparedness planning for Washington jurisdictions. Only 5-year estimates (2008-2012) are available for Census tracts.

Estimated counts, percentages, margins of error (MOEs) of counts and percentages by Census tract have been calculated for the following characteristics: Persons with Disabilities, Hearing Difficulty, Vision Difficulty, Cognitive Difficulty, Ambulatory Difficulty, Self-Care Difficulty, Independent Living Difficulty, Persons with Two or More Disabilities, Persons with Disabilities and in Poverty, Persons in Groups Quarters, Households Without Vehicles, Persons Speaking English less than "Very Well," Persons in Poverty.Lifecycle status: ProductionPurpose: enable open access to DSHS dataDSHS Data Security: Category 1 - PublicLast Update: 4/24/2015Update Cycle: As neededFGDC Metadata - For Layer: Metadata - For Adult Table: Metadata - For Senior Table: Metadata - For Youth Table: DSHS reserves the right to alter, suspend, re-host, or retire this service at any time and without notice. This is a map service that you can use in custom web applications and software products. Your use of this map service in these types of tools forms a dependency on the service definition (available fields, layers, etc.). If you form any dependency on this service, be aware of this significant risk to your purposes. You might consider mitigating your risk by extracting the source data and using it to host your own service in an environment under your control. Typically, DSHS Enterprise GIS staff will provide notification of changes via the Comments RSS capability in ArcGIS Online. You may subscribe to the RSS feed that publishes comments to monitor any planned and notified changes.

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dcat_issued 2015-04-16T21:31:45.000Z
dcat_modified 2015-04-29T21:51:57.024Z
dcat_publisher_name WA State Department of Social and Health Services
harvest_object_id 0cf8a3e2-a9d2-465d-a98a-7555d0113fe4
harvest_source_id 03016d16-b963-4f6a-99b0-8a37574f4576
harvest_source_title Washington Geospatial Open Data Portal