Alaska State Geo Spatial Clearing House

Access multiple datasets and subsets of geospatial data collected by the State of Alaska, including oil spill data and other environmentally relevant datasets.

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Field Value
Author Alex Park
Author Email Alex Park
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
citation Alex Park, Alaska State Geo Spatial Clearing House, 2013-01-31,
spatial { "type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates": [[[[-176.94109, 51.583035], [-177.91031, 51.590477], [-178.10336, 51.663258], [-178.2176, 51.87522], [-171.73923, 63.78879], [-166.8308, 68.35009], [-166.23502, 68.87428], [-161.95583, 70.303024], [-159.67151, 70.79753], [-156.48569, 71.406235], [-143.28336, 70.11816], [-142.5955, 70.004005], [-141.00566, 69.6422], [-130.0903, 56.117752], [-130.01678, 55.908886], [-129.99223, 55.281384], [-130.36139, 54.90771], [-130.58861, 54.793545], [-130.68779, 54.761604], [-176.94109, 51.583035]]]]}