SNA survey data stakeholder analysis Lucerne...
The survey was conducted online in a non-anonymized manner, however, the data provided here is anonymized, hence only the name and function of the stakeholder organization are contained but not the name of the person that answered the survey. Only one answer per organization has been collected. The data contains only the answers to the standardized questions (choice of predefined answer categories) but not those answers to open questions (comments). These are not relevant for interpretation of the rest of the data and may contain indications about the author. The data is available as an SPSS Data file. It can be imported into R with:
?read.spss explains options that might be adjusted, particularly regarding the value labels of variables
data <- read.spss("ATREE_SNA_Lucerne.sav",
variable labels contain the original question as posed in the questionaire
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | February 9, 2022 |
Metadata last updated | December 17, 2023 |
Created | unknown |
Format | sav |
License | wsl-data |
Created | 3 years ago |
Size | 189,676 |
Id | b00d6f0d-3d20-41ed-9551-a0302f43e62d |
Package id | 2236e3a6-0812-422c-9060-c938ae75653e |
Resource size | {"size_value": "", "size_units": "kb"} |
Restricted | {"level": "same_organization", "allowed_users": ""} |
State | active |