AUS FRA 1982 HM Limits

Abstract:Geoscience Australia has the primary role in the delineation of Australia's domestic and international maritime limits and boundaries. An output of this activity is the development of the Australian Maritime Boundaries (AMB) data. AMB is a GIS data product, providing access to the data for Australia's maritime zones.Treaties - Australian Maritime Boundaries Dataset 2020 is a digital representation of Australia's international treaty boundaries. In the event of an inconsistency between AMB data and the limits under any treaty, the latter prevails. The data have been published by Geoscience Australia in consultation with other relevant Commonwealth Government agencies including the Attorney-General's Department, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australian Hydrographic Office.Treaties - Australian Maritime Boundaries Dataset 2020 has been updated to include the 2018 Australia Timor-Leste Maritime Boundaries Treaty. The Area of Overlapping Jurisdiction has been revised in accordance with the 2018 Timor-Leste Treaty. The Australia - Indonesia MOU and PFSEL boundaries have been harmonized to WGS84. There has been no change to any other treaty boundaries, however, for version control they have been reissued as part of the AMB2020 epoch.Product Specifications Coverage: Australia including all external territoriesCurrency: June 2020.Coordinates: Geographical Datum: GDA94 (functionally equivalent to WGS84).Format: ESRI Geodatabase and REST web service - free online.The area of coverage of the Treaties - Australian Maritime Boundaries Dataset 2020 is for the whole of the Australian marine jurisdiction which includes waters adjacent to the mainland, offshore islands and External Territories. The geographical extent is approximately between the latitude limits of 8 S to 70 S and the longitude limits 39 E to 174 E.This dataset includes the following disclaimers:AMB data is a digital representation of the international maritime boundary treaties of Australia. In the event of an inconsistency between AMB data and the limits under the various treaties, the latter prevails.Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2021Downloads and Links:Web ServicesTreaties - Australian Maritime Boundaries MapServerTreaties - Australian Maritime Boundaries WMSTreaties - Australian Maritime Boundaries WFSDownloads available from the expanded catalogue link, belowMetadata URL:

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dcat_issued 2022-07-27T04:07:01.000Z
dcat_modified 2022-07-27T23:30:56.000Z
dcat_publisher_name Geoscience Australia
harvest_object_id c3185349-4974-4254-be2c-1d8211dd3b93
harvest_source_id b4a641fd-7000-437a-b9f4-322aa6e83b11
harvest_source_title Australian Marine Spatial Information System (AMSIS)