Avian data from the South Fork McKenzie River in Oregon, USA after a wildfire event, 2021

Bird data comprises point counts of bird species and their abundance observed at each collection site. Data are separated into birds within 50m, greater than 50m distant and birds in flight. These data were collected from the South Fork McKenzie river, Oregon, USA in June 2021 following the Holiday Farm wildfire in Autumn 2020. Samples were collected from a restored and unrestored reach of the South Fork McKenzie River with a view to quantifying differences in avian response to wildfire in the restored vs. unrestored river reaches. The study was conducted by the University of Nottingham, with data collected by partners from The US Forest Service, Portland State University, Washington State University and Colorado State University. Funding for the work was received from the Natural Environment Research Council.

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Field Value
Source https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/dd919c8e-ccd6-48ed-a1c0-ef5cf732bdc6
Author Email
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
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IB1 Trust Framework
Contact URI https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/dd919c8e-ccd6-48ed-a1c0-ef5cf732bdc6_c0
Contact email [email protected]
Contact name Dugdale, S.J.
GUID https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/dd919c8e-ccd6-48ed-a1c0-ef5cf732bdc6
Identifier https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/dd919c8e-ccd6-48ed-a1c0-ef5cf732bdc6
Language ["eng"]
Publisher URI https://ror.org/04xw4m193
URI https://catalogue.ceh.ac.uk/id/dd919c8e-ccd6-48ed-a1c0-ef5cf732bdc6
dcat_type http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset
harvest_object_id 2e4706fd-00c4-458d-841d-a38cb16698e7
harvest_source_id d4fbf67d-0e8f-4732-a34e-be92ef65e401
harvest_source_title ceh-eidc
provenance n397da48a82c34dd09ae0ca5ff473b4bab5913
spatial_text POLYGON((-122.29 44.13, -122.29 44.16, -122.23 44.16, -122.23 44.13, -122.29 44.13))