Bosnia and Herzegovina - Living Standards Measurement Study Panel Data 2001-2004

A data set containing the four waves of Bosnia and Herzegovina panel data has been created by World Bank researchers with financing from the World Bank Europe and Central Asia, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management unit. This data set was used in the writing of "Entrepreneurship in Post-Conflict Transition: The Role of Informality and Access to Finance" by Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Leora Klapper, and Georgios A. Panos. Users may download and use this data set. The data set contains information on the 37,123 individuals who appear in the four waves of the panel data set. Not all individuals appear in all four waves. The requirement for using the data set is that users must cite the paper and authors as the source of the data set. The data set and documentation are provided on the understanding that the descriptions given in the documents and the programs files are the only documentation that will be provided.

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Author The World Bank
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