Broadband access of at least 100 Mbit / s, (%) (Kolada)

Percentage of households in the area that have broadband access of at least 100 megabits per second. PTS (the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency) requests documentation for coverage for access techniques by interested parties, the documentation is then matched with the Real Estate Register. . The collected data together with a number of assumptions form the basis for the survey.For access to really high speeds, 100 Mbit / s in favorable conditions and at least 50 Mbit / s in urgent hour, wired access techniques in the form of fiber or cable TV networks are required today.Refers to the situation October 1. Until 2014, the population was intended instead of households. Source: Post and Telecom Agency, PTS Broadband mapping (PTS Bredbandskartläggning).This is stated according to the statistics found on Kolada.In Kolada everyone can search for data about Umeå municipality.A new request for data is made to Kolada once a month.

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Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
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IB1 Trust Framework
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IB1 Trust Framework
Contact email [email protected]
Contact name Statistik och Analys, Övergripande planering, Umeå kommun
Identifier tillgang-till-bredband-om-minst-100-mbits-andel-kolada@opendataumea
Issued 2023-06-12T09:14:54.284000+00:00
Language [""]
Modified 2023-06-12T09:14:54.284000+00:00
Publisher URI
Publisher name Umeå kommun
Theme ["", ""]
ib1_trust_framework []
related_resource [""]